Beyond white misty clouds, nestled in a valley amongst the Himalayan mountain ranges, lies a little Nepali village. Three months ago, its local populace would have descended to warmer grounds, just as they have done so every year for generations past, temporarily leaving their homes as the unforgiving winter freezes the village to a silent stand still. But as the frost clears and spring time nears, the colourful sounds of life will soon return to the village of Dhorpartan.

Paper Mountains is an Australian-based fund-raising project of humble beginnings aimed at keeping one particular sound echoing through this village for generations to come - the sound of 160 children being given a chance at education through the classrooms of the Believers English School. The school was established by the Nepal branch of the non-government organisation, Gospel for Asia (GFA), as a means to provide quality education to the needy children of a remote village which has its closest city (Pokhara) situated three days away due to its limited accessibility by land.

So how and where do we fit in the picture? 

Paper Mountains is pledging to donate the full proceeds from each card sold through this project towards the financial costs involved in the running and upkeep of the Dhorpartan Believers English School. The existence of the school continues to rely purely on private donations, just as it has done so for the past few years - and we intend to keep it going for years to come. So, if you feel compelled to lend a hand to the people of Dhorpartan by empowering their children with the gift of education, kindly consider purchasing our cards which are all locally designed by our team member, Lillian Ling.

But more importantly, we collectively agree that awareness is key. So, tell your friends, families, work or schoolmates about us. Spread the word, and if you can - shout it from a highest mountain top near you! 

Our target? AUD $10,000!

For more information on the Nepal BES Schools, please visit their Facebook page.